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3 Things Full-Time Traders Should Never Do
Making the transition to being a full-time trader can be one of the most exciting milestones in your trading career. You’re leaving behind the safety net of having a stable income from a regular job and trusting your ability to make things work in the markets.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows though. Not only will you have to make sacrifices, particularly at the beginning, but there are also new challenges that you may not expect.
I say this from first-hand experience, having made the jump to full-time trading back in 2012. For me, the decision itself wasn’t a difficult one, as I’d already earned nearly half a million pounds in profits from my trading by the time I left my job in banking. However, I experienced many difficulties after making the switch, and had to learn lessons the hard way.
With that in mind, I want to go through some major challenges you’ll face as a full-time trader. These are not only based on my own experiences, but also from helping many other traders over the years.
Mistake #1: Thinking of Your Monthly Returns as a Regular Salary
You can’t control what happens in the markets. It doesn’t matter how great you are at trading, that’s just an undeniable fact.